Title: Redundancy
Synopsis: After being made redundant from the cab firm he worked at, Luke’s true colours begin to show, followed by his sordid secret, he’s the reason as to why the toll of missing people has arisen and what is worse, his plan is flawless. Carrying out his normal life, being a taxi driver even though he is no longer legally employed, he lures his victims to his secluded house in woodlands, and murders them all, with no remorse, to his naivety, his killings are not so ‘random’ after all. Introducing Lana Reed, who has suspected Luke from the beginning and concocts a plan to not only let him continue his sordid murders but to play a part in those he kills, unbeknown to Luke and the audience until the ending. In the end, Lana murders Luke and stores him in his shed along with the other victims, she seems to be the hero in this story and yet she continues the killing spree. Cliffhanger; does she ever get caught?
Plot: Psychological thriller where redundant taxi driver goes on killing spree, the obstacles on the way and the consequences, murder, espionage and vengeance all in one.
Treatment: The journey of Luke Corseno, who kills his 'clients' while taxing them, and the journey of the detectives on his tail, to solve the case.
Homage to director/films: Taxi Driver
Characters: Luke Corseno, Lana Reed, Dt. Miles and Dt. Lower.
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